I thought it was key to start my first blog off with this layout because it goes along with my theme, "Living in the Moments". This was a pic of my son, Caleb and daughter, Abigail. They are the younger 2 in the family and are only 18 months apart. They fight like nobody's business, pick, scream, and aggravate the fool out of each other but as my journaling states, "there are still moments when you are the best of friends. These are the moments I live for."
Obviously since I am a mother of three, I would have to introduce my oldest son, Landon. He is my teenager and another reason my life is so blessed.

Lastly, I could not complete my inner circle without paying tribute to my dear hubby, Duane! I put up with his quirky traits and he puts up with my scrapping obsession! It is definitely a trade off. We have been happily and unhappily married for 13 years now. Now honestly, who can say they have been totally happy with their spouses all the time? No, we have had our ups and downs but yet we can only attribute our success to our faith in God and our unconditional love for each other. Who could ask for more?
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