How was your Thanksgiving Holiday? Mine was low key but very memorable. This year was spent with just our immediate family; all the relatives are back home in Louisiana, yet it was one of the best days I have had in a long time. My kiddos came to my rescue and helped me with the prep work in the kitchen. It was so nice to be surrounded by my babies....reminded me of when I use to follow my mom around in the kitchen. I would watch everything she did while talking her ears off about all my girl issues or the latest boyfriend. To now have my own kids doing the exact same thing is so deja vu.
After that was my baby boy's birthday. Happy Birthday Caleb!!!!! He is now a tween!!!! I can't believe how much he has grown. When he was a baby I would always call him my little man. As he got older, I recognized something in him that was so unique....he had an "old soul". So today as he begins his journey towards middle school and that awkward stage of "tween-ness" (I made that up), he is still my little man with an "old soul". I love you Caleb!!!! May all your wishes come true!

"Love You BABY"....This is my oldest son Landon and his girlfriend. I LOVE Cosmo Cricket's "Earth Love" line. I thought they worked perfectly with these pictures.
Hope all of you had an awesome holiday and a restful weekend. Hugs and Happy Scrappin!!!!!!