Ok, so today I was chatting with some of my gals from FSSCG (For Scraps Sake Critique Group) and all of us were comparing notes about our scrap goodies we snatched up over the weekend. So we decided to load pictures and drool over each others goodies. I got all of my stuff from the LSS I work for. Friday night I worked the midnight crop and several of the ladies had those totes from All My Memories. I thought the were so cute so I decided to get me one. Then I went through the store and just picked through a few punches, flowers, brads, Bazzil cardstock, ribbon, and adhesive. The t-shirt is from my employers who had just returned from CHA. Very excited about that! Anyway, all next week the new stuff will start to ship into the store and I am sure my check will continue to dwindle down like a sinking ship!!!! One cool thing I recently learned is that one of my co-workers is the sister of the man who owns Bazzill. She is the coordinator of all the instructors and of course an instructor for Bazzill. Ok, enough of all things scrappy...I have been tagged for this questionare so here goes...
A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 years ago: I was caring for the 3 month old son, living in Bossier, Louisiana, stay at home mom, and pretty content.
Things on my to-do list today:
1. clean up the gameroom
2. stay in my jammies
3. scrap (complete the challenge for my critique group)
4. wash clothes
What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:1. Never work again
2. give to my family
3. give to the Needy
4. Build my dream house with a huge scraproom and hire an interior designer
5. Travel
3 of my bad habits:
1. Spending too much money...Shhhhhh don't tell my husband.
2. Hate folding clothes ( they sit in a basket entirely too long)
3. Oh and did I mention spending too much money???
3 places I have lived: 1. The Woodlands, TX (present day)
2. Monroe, LA
3. Morgantown, W.V.
5 jobs that I have had:1. Grocery Store clerk
2. Phlebotomist (draw blood)
3. Social Director for a retirement community
4. ER Tech
5. Substitute Teacher
5 Things people don't know about me:1. Coffee is my drug of choice...can't start the day without it.
2. I am a momma and daddy's girl...they are my heros
3. I am extremely easy going...but if you P**S me off, watch out!
4. I have never done drugs...my daddy was and is a cop so I was too scrared of getting caught.
5. I am extremely loyal to my friends...I will be there through the ups and downs.
Ok, one more thing...I have to brag on my kids! I took Abigail to a Kre8tive Kids class (she loves to scrapbook) and she made two layouts from the kits provided. Now the instructor walked them through the process but Abigail put it together all by herself. Like Mother Like Daughter!!!! Also, Landon came home the other night from his track meet and had placed in all three of his events!!!!! Yeah Landon, I am so proud!