I love Daughtry...or as I like to call him, Chris. We are on a more personal level, at least in my mind. LOL!!! What is funny is I can listen to all types of music. My mood determines the music I want to listen to. I like rock, jazz, country, contemporary christian...and much much more.

Let's see...I drive a minivan
I live in a suburb or as I call it the burbs
I have a strong dislike for those who think they are better than others
I read all the time...I loooove mystery but my fave is paranormal romance...
I love photography, decorating my house, and of course scrapbooking
I have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, nerve scarring, and 2 herniated disc.
I adore my kids, they are the air that I breathe!!!!
I love my husband...We have had some extremely rocky times, but we have
endured and grown stronger because of it. He is my best friend and my biggest
I have been hurt deeply and I have been loved deeply.
I am strong and stubborn minded...
I am loyal to my friends...there is nothing I won't do for those that I love.
Those are just a few things about me...we are all unique in our own special way.
A layout for the road... Me and my mommy on our summer vacation last year. She is the wind beneath my wings!!!!
Have a fabulous weekend!!!! Much love from me to you!
FYI...Sadly, I have resigned from my DT position with Creative Scrappers. I have had some complications from a procedure I had (endometrial ablasion). I am scheduling my hysterectomy next week. I hope this will end a lot of issues I have had for the last 6-8 months. I will keep you posted.