If I have not said it once I have said it a thousand times....I loooooooove Eighties music!!!!!! I remember listening every weekend to Rick Dees top 40 countdown with my cassette tapeplayer ready to record all my favorite songs. Or watching MTV every Friday night with my girlfriends until we fell fast asleep on the living room floor. I specifically remember staying up late with my brother for the premier of Thriller.....ooooohhhh I still get goosebumps when I think about the first time I watched Michael Jackson dancing with all the creepy crawly zoombies.....ahhhhhh those were the days. Well I decided to pay tribute to my favorite decade. I put together a playlist of just a few of my faves, so sit back a spell and let your mind take you back to the "Good Ole Days". I'm sure you will enjoy a trip down memory lane as much as I did.

Of course I can't leave without posting some of my latest works of art!!!!!!!

Now see...I saved the best for last!!! Ha Ha, I told ya I was gonna scrap this fine piece of man flesh. Is he not a hottie or what?????? Oh my, I need a fan in hear cause it is smokin!!!!!!!!!!
Now ya have some good music and a beautiful man to look at...need I say what more could a girl ask for????