Summer is almost over and now it is time to get back into our regular routines. Landon has started up football again for the fall season and Caleb and Abigail are just getting ready for school.
As for scrappy business, my local scrap store is having its quarterly Round Up class where all of us (the instructors) advertise or solicite our business. I have to schedule new classes for the fall season and I may possibly change the name of my class. Right now I call it "Kim's Kreative Korner" and all of my layouts are based on sketches.
Let's see, Ohhhh and this month is my 12 year anniversary...for some reason I thought it was 13 years. Where does the time go?????

This is me at my mom and dad's house...if I haven't mentioned before, I looooooove going to visit their house on the lake.

My gorgeous eldest I really a mother of a 16 year old???????

Ahhhhh Garrison....rotten little stinker. This is my best friend's son. He is a MESS!!!!! But we all love him to pieces!

Dear Abigail....spoiled rotten to the core and yes it is all my fault and her daddy's of course!!!!! She is our baby and knows exactly how to wrap us around her little finger. I never thought I would be one of those parents!
Ok, I threw this in because this is the latest movie I have watched where I just absolutely loved the message behind it. I am all about "Girl Power" and this has all the elements of a great girl movie. It tells us all that we can not love, give love, or be loved until we love ourselves! Sometimes and just sometimes, Hollywood can get it right. Probably because Reese Witherspoon is the producer. She is all about sending the right message to the future young women of the world.